Stable isotope analysis in studies of marine mammal ecology and eco-physiology workshop

We are pleased to announce we will be running hosting a one day workshop entitled  “Application and validation of compound-specific stable isotope analysis in studies of marine mammal ecology and eco-physiology” at the upcoming 22nd Biennial Conference of the Marine Mammal Society on Saturday, October 28th from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Compound-specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) of amino and fatty acids offers advantages over traditional analysis of bulk tissues. CSIA is a potentially powerful tool to study

marine mammal eco-physiology, movement, and foraging ecology. While this approach has been validated in numerous studies of invertebrates and fishes, application of CSIA to study marine mammal ecology and eco-physiology is relatively under-utilized. Building on two workshops held prior to the 2015 SMM biennial conference in San Francisco, we propose a 1-day workshop on this topic and invite submission of abstracts from researchers who have used CSIA to study any aspect of marine mammal ecology (e.g. foraging, migration, distribution), or who have conducted validation studies with more traditional bulk tissue isotope analysis to help clarify how this method can be applied in both wild and captive settings. The workshop will consist of informal talks and presentations of data, and group discussions of uncertainties and limitations that need to be addressed through further study. In particular, students are invited to submit proposals for talks and poster presentations; we will host a small poster session if there is enough interest.

Cost: $80 (Before July 13th)

$90 (After July 13th)

Registration for the workshop should be done through the conference website (