International Congress for Conservation Biology (21-25 July 2019; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

The Society for Conservation Biology’s 29th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2019) will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 21-25 July 2019.

Researchers, students, agency personnel, environmental educators, practitioners, and other conservation stakeholders will join for lively discussions on the nexus between biodiversity conservation and genetics, ecology, biogeography, anthropology, history, psychology, economics, conservation marketing, religion, and more.

Call for Abstracts Deadline – Extended!

Afraid you’d missed your chance to submit your abstract to ICCB 2019? Don’t worry – we’ve opened a second call for abstracts that ends on 4 April 2019.

All proposals must be submitted online by 4 April 2019, 23:59 CET (UTC/ GMT + 1 hours).

Only abstracts submitted electronically through the submission site will be considered. Decisions will be made by late-April 2019. Complete instructions for submitting proposals are available in the ICCB 2019 Contributed Session Abstract Submission Guide. The selection process is highly competitive. Please read and follow the information carefully.

Types of Contributed Session Abstracts

Oral Presentations

Oral Presentations are limited to 15 minutes: 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions. Contributed oral presentations will be grouped by theme/subtheme. Please choose from the list of themes and subthemes and choose the ones that are most appropriate for your presentation. This will assist us in selecting an appropriate session for your presentation. If your abstract is accepted but cannot be accommodated as an oral presentation, we may offer you the opportunity to present a speed presentation or poster.

Speed Talk Presentations

Speed Talk Presentations are 5-minute presentations summarizing research or studies in process in a particular field that are grouped together by theme. Following the presentations, there will be time for presenters to talk one-on-one to delegates about their project. If your paper topic would be of interest to a wide range of people and you would like your presentation to lead to an extended conversation with colleagues who are specifically interested in your work, you may wish to submit an abstract for a speed presentation. Please choose from the list of themes and subthemes and choose the ones that are most appropriate for your presentation. This will assist us in selecting an appropriate session for your presentation. If your abstract is accepted but cannot be accommodated as a speed presentation, we may offer you the opportunity to present a poster presentation.

Poster Presentations

Poster Presentations are a visual and concise way to showcase conservation science and projects that provide opportunities to interact with a wide audience and will take place during one of the four poster sessions.

Click here to submit your abstract.

For more details and to register, please visit